Thursday, July 29, 2010

Ever Wonder

You ever wondered what makes a woman cry
You ever wondered why sometimes you make me cry
You ever wondered what makes a woman smile
It's just the little things, you do to make me smile.


It's another quiet day at work today, so I have decided to blog! What better thing to do than get paid to blog? Well I am recently talking to someone else since last week (I know, I said I would stop, but I have to admit it has become more of a lifestyle and semi-addiction). This person, according to Facebook, has the same zodiac sign as me. I am actually extremely superstitious as a young asian female; since I was a kid, my mother constantly imprints my head with numerous superstitions. According to some Chinese people...

* If you have a big forehead _ It is meant that you will receive goodluck on your path of life. When they say big...They actually mean "nice". There are two things that affiliate with this superstition; if the forehead is TALL, it means "early" good luck (not tall as in balding though!); if the forehead is WIDE, it means that you have the many opportunities to travel in your lifetime. So since I became actively dating, I would analyze my partners for these qualities. For example, if he has a tall forehead; better luck, hopefully he would be able to graduate from college/university and have greater chances in finding a job amongst everyone else!

* If you have a tall nose _ this represents knowledge. When you meet a guy with a tall nose, he is supposed to be somewhat knowledgeable/book smart. So I enjoy guys with tall noses because everyone wants an intelligent boyfriend; I could leanr lots from him and he sould be a motivator?

* If you have very closely grown eyebrows _ this means the person is very jealous (or low tolerance in other centexts). So I watch out for guys that have closely grown eyebrows. This could be a negative or positive quality, depending on the guys personality. If this guy is abusive, you might want to avoid those eyebrows.

* If you have very thin lips _ this means hes a sweet talker! This one is interesting, because sometimes I become afraid that he might be sweet talking other girls, but if the guy is honest and loyal, then sweet talkers could be very romantic and sweet.

So each section of the face also represents your luck during that age span. Since I am heading towards my thirties point (although very far from now), but I would focus on the eye brows and eye area, because that area governs the age span of thirties and on-ward.

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