Saturday, January 22, 2011

Superman Won't Cry

It's been a while... Everytime life gives you something good, it always needs to balance it out with something bad. Life just seems to get harder and harder as we grow up... So much more difficult to cope with than when we were 5; care free, chasing after icecream trucks, riding with our training wheels on. Now, everything seems to have fallen apart. Since when? Since when did life come with so many emotions? since when did life come with so many worries?Since when did life come with so many obstacles? Is God really trying to test us? Or to spite us for our sins? I am so confused... My intuition has always told me to do whats right... But at this point in life, I can no longer differentiate what is right anymore. I can no longer determine if I should wish for life to fast forward or rewind, because I'm becoming more and more afraid of what is in front of me. I don't know what else would be next? another war? another economic break down? Or my family drifting further and further apart?

It hurts me so much to know what my mom is feeling... I feel like I can't relate but I can feel it... Every little piece of it. I wish I could have to courage to approach her and tell her it's okay, it's not what you think like it is... and tomorrow will be a happier day, don;t look back, he'll come back... but I can't. I can't look her in the face, I can't tell her everything is okay... I can't tell her that I'm here and that everything is always gonna be okay.

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