Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Oh So Frresh

My dear friend Jen has recently joined a make-up company by the name of Motives. She held a make-up launch party at her house last week, and although I was in a rush, I still managed to pick up some tricks from the make-up artist, grab something for myself, and get my make-up done! I'm really glad that I went. After taking some advice from the makeup artists, I've made some changes to my eating habits and the products that I use on a daily basis.

♥ Instead of the Vichy face wash (that I have already used TWO bottles of!!! - Slap me now), I am now using this amazing Bobbi Brown Lathering Tube Soap along with their Cleansing Oil.

This is My Story

Before December of 2009, I had never used any face make-up, because I wanted to look "au naturelle", and I didn't feel like investing my time into it; so I always avoided the make-up sections in the stores. All this changed when my lovely aunt gave me a card to pick-up a free lip gloss at Bobbi Brown. While picking up my treat, I asked some questions about tinted moisturizer and the lady told me that tinted moisturizer is actually horrible for your skin because it is purely oil base! She introduced me to LIQUID FOUNDATION. It was love at first sight! Since then, I have become a true fan AND addict of Bobbi Brown! Then.....My breakouts began around early January of 2010. I had always thought perhaps it was a hormonal imbalance? Or maybe I am hitting puberty again? Or the fluctuating stress levels. So I sought and sought for numerous face washes that might fix my skin. I've tried Clarins, Biotherm, Origins, Murad, Proactive, Velocity, Vichy, and much much more! Everything seemed to work at the beginning, but after a week or two it either went back to normal or it made me worse! When it made me worse, I was convinced that the face wash was a "treatment" and that it was supposed to trigger "ALL" my prospective breakouts and become fully cured all at once! (LIES!!!). So one amazing day, I woke up and I was thinking... Hey, I don't have acne, so maybe I keep breaking out because I've been using products that target acne prone skin! *DING!*, so I went to Bobbi Brown and purchased the face wash. The face wash feels extremely fresh, but a bit dry for me, so I use the Cleansing Oil right after to maintain moisture.


I now watch what I eat. The make-up artist had talked about how it could be my eating habits, stress, sleeping habits, lack of vegies, exercise...I admit my eating habits are horrible. There are days when I eat 3 bigs meals a day, yet there are days when I only eat 1. In fact, when I was younger and more desperate to lose weight, I remember there was a day when I only ate 1 strawberry and refused any other food. There are also those other days when I would go to class, have a slice of Pizza or a 6" Sub then go study at Starbucks and go to sleep when I get home with no food in my stomache, and the energy in my brain all drained out. So I told the makeup artist, "I have always had bad eating habits! But the bad skin never hit me before..." She then explained to me how as we age (expecially women), the toxins and bad habits in our body builds up, so right now, my body is basically getting back at me for the 22 years of improper care, depressing. So now, I can't say that I have completely fixed my eating habits, but I try to eat a bit more meals, just smaller portions. Prior to my attempts of getting healthy, if I liked the food, I would continue working at it even when I'm completely full. As long as it was sitting in front of me, I will chomp it up fry by fry. So my body is stressed from all the fluctuation of meals. I now practice something called "pack it up to - go!".

I am now taking Omega 3 fish oil on a daily basis. I've heard many good things about fish oils, but little did I know it also helps poor skin! Generally, it is supposed to help prevent blood clot, maintain low blood pressure, and all the other annoying things that I don't not worry about yet. But surprisingly it also helps with fatigue, dry skin, mood swings, depression, and poor circulation! So now I take my daily dosage to hopefully make up for the lack of Omega 3 over the years!

At Jen's make-up party, I also picked up a cream by the name of Pentaxyl. This cream is initially for wrinkles and fine lines, but surprisingly, it also works towards reducing scars, minimizing pores, and even mosquito bites! It has definitely become my "go-to" cream. Although, I would say this cream doesn't smell oh-so-good, but hey, whatever gets the job done, right? The blemishes on my skins has now faded, and the boils or pimples on and under my skin never came back. It's difficult to express how happy I feel with clear skin. In fact, I could hardly remember it! I'm so glad it's back.

*[ If you're ever interested in trying out Pentaxyl or Omega 3 Fish Oil, feel free to checkout!]

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